Well, if you are familiar with the content on the Web sites of the some of the other wacko right-wing "Christian" organizations, then don't bother. Nothing much new.
However, it is refreshing to see the clarity and honesty in this news relesase on Agape Press today. These folks don't even pretend to hide their Jew-baiting. Shucks, they do it in the first sentence. In fact, the the second word of the first sentence is "Jewish." While not Jewish, I tend to shift uncomfortably in my chair when someone begins a sentence with "A Jew or "A Jewish man..." I just figure the rest of it won't be... pleasant.
Oh, well, why should gay people get all the attention? Yes, Jew-baiting is alive and well in America's fundamentalist right-wing. I know that these people profess to love Israel, but I suspect it stops there--they probably hate the Jews who populate Israel.
Oh, yeah, the news release takes to task "the Jewis man" (they might as well have added "dirty" between "a" and "Jewish man") because he is filing suit against the Air Force for not keeping the relibious wackos out of people's personal religious life.
Lawsuit Seeks Stop to Chaplains' Faith-Sharing in Air Force
Report Says the Military Branch May Accommodate Plaintiff's Wishes
By Jody Brown
October 12, 2005
(AgapePress) - If a Jewish man in New Mexico has his way, Christian chaplains in the U.S. Air Force could be prohibited from evangelizing among the ranks. And apparently the Air Force is willing to consider the man's suggestion.
According to an Associated Press report, Mikey Weinstein of Albuquerque -- a 1977 graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy and father of two Air Force cadets -- has filed a federal lawsuit claiming that senior officers and cadets at the Academy illegally impose Christianity on others at the elite school. Now comes word that the Air Force has withdrawn from use by its chaplains a code of ethics that endorsed the evangelizing of troops who are unaffiliated with any religion.
The code, which was issued by the Air Force Chaplain Service in January, states: "I will not actively proselytize from other religious bodies. However, I retain the right to instruct and/or evangelize those who are not affiliated." An Air Force spokeswoman says the code of ethics has since been withdrawn "for further review." Read entire wacko screed by clicking here.
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